
Chabad Care and Love!

  • Chabad Care and Love Fully Activated at this Time!!!


    Send a patient, alone in a room, (without even their family visiting), a package of warmth and love.

    Each package will include a homemade Challah, electric Shabbat candles and a weekly message of hope and inspiration. The packages will be dropped off at Providence Mission Hills Hospital and Dignity Health Center and given out by the chaplains. 

    Sponsor a Shabbat Package for one patient: $25

    Sponsor a Week of Shabbat Packages for one hospital (approx. 10 Challahs): $250

    Have a friend or family member who can use a boost? 

    Send them a Shabbat package as well. It will be dropped off at their door with your personal message.  Please note: Only available for people in the San Fernando Valley. 

    Each Shabbat package (including a challah, candles and an inspirational Torah thought) is $36


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